- 2018 - Chinese Academy of Sciences President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) for visiting scientist.
- 2016 - Best poster award at the 2016 IEEE ICSAE Conference
- 2010 - Xcel Best Engineering and Technology Student Award of the year 2009
- 2009 - 2nd most downloaded paper in terms of the number of full text downloads within IEEE Xplore in 2008, from the hundreds of papers published by IET Optoelectronics since 1980.
- 2008 - C. R. Barber Conference Grant; awarded by the Institute of Physics (IoP)
- 2006 – 2009 - Northumbria University PhD Studentship
- 2006 – 2009 - Overseas Research Student Award (ORSA) by the UK Government
- 2008 – 2009 - Best performing PhD student for two consecutive academic sessions: 2007/2008 and 2008/2009
- 2009 - Best performing PhD student award by Institute of Physics (IoP), North East of England Branch
- 2006 - ‘Achievers Award’ by Ogun State Government of Nigeria for the year 2005
- 2005 – 2006 - Ogun State Government of Nigeria Scholar (MSc)
- 2001 - Federal Government of Nigeria Scholar (BSc)
Invited Talks
- Third West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimetre-wave Wireless Communications (WASOWC2020), Tehran, Iran, 24 Nov 2020. Title: Ethical LiFi: Ethical Approach to Modulating LEDs for Lighting and Internet Connectivity.
- Edinburgh IEEE Student Branch Webinar Aug 27 2020. Title: Atomic Radio
- Tutorial on Visible Light Communications at EWSN conference, Lyon, France, Feb 17-19, 2020. Title: Basic and Advanced Modulation Techniques.
- Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, 10 April 2019. Title: Internet through the Light Bulb
- Newcastle University, UK, 31 Jan 2019, Title – Underwater Optical Wireless Communication
- Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, Department of Telecommunications, 21-22 July 2016
- Cheltenham Science Festival, 12 June 2016, Title: Li-Fi – The New WiFi
- IEEE Photonics Society Summer Tropical July 11-13 2016
- Professors and Heads of Electrical Engineering (PHEE) Conference in London, Jan 13 2016.
- British Science Festival - University of Bradford, Thursday 10 September 2015 (Title: Li-Fi - Wireless data from every lightbulb)
- EPSRC UP-VLC Project meeting at the University of Edinburgh, 01 July 2015 (Title: LiFi: Light quality)
- Smart Sensing Technologies and Environments for Health, Friday 12th June 2015 (Title: LiFi: A light quality perspective)
- IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2015, 3rd - 5th June 2015, Manchester in UK (Title: Multicarrier modulation in optical wireless communications)
- Communication networks beyond the capacity crunch – further discussion organised by the Royal Society, 13th-14th May 2015. (Title: optimisation Technique for Optical OFDM Systems)
- CICStart online Seminar on LED Lighting Quality and Performance at Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 29th Jan 2013. (Title: High-Power LED: Beyond Illumination.)
- The Rank Prize Funds Symposium on Solid State Lighting, Windermere 12th to 15th September, 2011. (Title: ‘High Data Rate Wireless Communications using White LED’)
- EPSRC Communications and Networking workshop in Photonic Communications, Oxford University, 28th/29th September, 2011. (Title: ‘OFDM based Visible Light Communications: Lab. Demonstrator Design and Challenges’)